Change the fonts in Theme

Change the fonts in Theme

  • The Google Typography plugin allows to customize font styling on your website without writing a single line of code.
  • To install google typography plugin you need to go
    Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add New and search google typography plugin and activate it.
  • After activation go to Appearance -> Typography Setting page. Simply added to font styling , then apply it to any existing HTML tag or CSS selector.
  • There are five options available:
    1. Font Family: There are over 600 plus font family available from which you can select the fonts you desire.
    2. Variant: Here you can choose font weight of that font.
    3. Size: This options give you a choice to change font size of selected class.
    4. Color: Here you can choose from all the available colors the plugin has to offer.
    5. CSS Selector (Text Box) : It is the last and the most important part where you have to enter the class title or paragraph that you want to customize. You can also enter multiple classes by using commas (,).
  • If you use more than one font or classes separately , than click ADD NEW Button.
  • 2016-03-14_1625

  • How to select class of particular heading or paragraph?
    Check this doc: it will help you find out the specific class.
  • Any query in your mind related to document then you contact our support forum