In this blog I’m focusing on the security of WordPress site, there are lots of attempts of hacking that happens daily on WordPress sites. Follow the below steps to make the site fully secure and Brute Force Attacks proof.

About the Brute Force Attacks

It is a method of cracking the username and password of a site to steal information and misuse the site. It is automatic software that generates large numbers of back-to-back guesses to hack the site.

WordPress codex also provides a guideline to make the site secure.

Key points to make a site secure are:
1) Do not use /wp-admin or /wp-login.php for Login.
You can use one of the following plugins to move your URL:

2) Do not use Admin as username; admin is a common username, so try a unique username that cannot be easily guessed by attackers.
3) Do not use common passwords like 12345678, password, 1234!@#$. I suggest you always use a strong password, you can also use a system-generated password. If users are registering on your site then you can use the force strong password plugin. It will force the user at the time of registration to enter a strong password.

4) Limit the Logging Attempts, WordPress provides unlimited attempts for login it makes it easy to guess login details, so you can use the Limit Login Attempts plugin to limit the attempts at your site.

5) Two-step authentication: It makes your site highly secure, just install and step and take your pillow and feel relaxed, Very useful plugin to make a site secure.
6) Use of overall security plugins, you can also use Plugins that provide full security to your site like spam filter, login attempts, malware scan, and much more, here is the list of the following plugins that you can use to make the site secure.

There is a long list of security plugins, I have mentioned here some of the best one.

As online market is increasing along with these antisocial elements is also increasing. Just follow the above guidelines and feel safe from the Brute Force Attacks. For any query Contact us on our Support forum.
Be safe stay long!

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